How to Draw a Face Easy for Kids

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Do you want to see a beautiful girl? Well, try to go to the mirror and see for yourself who I am referring to. Yes, you got it right. This lovely face was the dream of every girl. Most of the kids love imitating the girl that has curly hair or should we say the girls who are in a fairy tale or princesses. I remember when I was still a kid, I kept on asking my mom to go to the salon and make my hair curly. Did you also do that? Well, I think that's normal. There is no problem in beautifying yourself or making something new for yourself, but it is also better to thank God for what He has given to you or to us. Just to remind you that we are wonderfully made by God.

These tutorials will somewhat help you to draw your kind of beautiful faces. Just simply follow the 10 steps and you'll get what you want. But don't hesitate if you want to add more to it, then do it.

Step 1: Draw the Head

Let's begin our first step by sketching the head. We do this by drawing a circle in the middle of your paper. If you have a hard time drawing it, then you can find an object and trace it. After that, on the lower left side of the head draw a small circle. Make sure that this small circle will overlap with the head.  This small circle will serve as the ear of the girl.

Step 2: Remove Lines

The next thing that you need to do is to erase some curved lines that are not included in your drawing. I want you to erase the curved line that is found inside the head. Also, erase the line that separates the ear from the head.

Now, let's draw the guide in making the hair of the girl. To do this, draw a big curved line on the top of the head. Draw this from the left side of the ear going on the right side. See the reference image above for you to be guided.

Then for the eye guide,  draw two small oblong shapes on the upper portion of the head.

Step 4: Draw the Hair

In this step, we will draw the hair and we'll be using a slanting line for the hair. We draw this, from the upper, center portion of the head then slant going to the left portion of the ear. Then, do the same on the other side just make sure that they are connected. See the reference image above for you to be guided. After that, draw a horizontal curved line below the eyes.

Step 5: Draw More Hair, Eyeballs, and the Mouth

In continuation with the hair, just simply draw a curvy line from the left side of the hair guide going to the other side. Just follow the reference image above on how to do it. But you can also make your own version of curly hair if you want to. Make sure that the curvy lines will not go beyond the guide. After that, draw a small circle on the left side of the curly hair.

For the eyeballs, just simply draw a shaded oblong shape inside each eye guide. On the top portion of the mouth draw two small connected curved lines then, one curve line on the bottom part. See the reference image above for you to be guided.

Step 6: Add the Hair Clip and Remove Lines

Now, let's add more beauty to our girl by putting a hair clip to her hair. Draw a teardrop shape on both sides of the small circle that you made earlier. The other teardrop will go beyond the hair. Then, draw two slanting lines under the circle. Make sure that all of them are connected to the small circle. The other slanting will slightly go beyond the hair.

Step 7: Remove Lines and Add Details

Before adding details, let's erase the line that is found inside the ribbon. After erasing it, draw another set of two slanting lines under the circle then connect the two slanting lines using a horizontal line. We are almost done with the ribbon.

Step 8: Add more Details to the Clip

In continuation with the hair clip, draw another two teardrops on the top portion of the small circle. The other teardrop will go beyond the hair. After that, draw an inverted V shape on the bottom part of the ribbon. See the reference image above for you to be guided.

Step 9: Remove Extra Lines

Hurray! We are almost done with your drawing tutorial. In this step, we will simply erase the lines in the ribbon. Also, erase the horizontal line after the inverted V shape that you've drawn in the bottom part of the ribbon.

Step 10: Finish up!

For the final step, we'll add more beauty to your drawing by adding colors to it. Now, I'll give you freedom on what color are going to apply for your drawing. After that, show your drawing to your friends and invite them next time to explore more about your drawing skills. Congratulations kiddo.


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